Friday, 21 June 2013

New Spanish Cinema

  • New Spanish CInema
    • Art House Cinema                                                                                  Viewed as though it felt it was above popular cinema, was more of an art-form like “painting”
    • Auteur Cinema, muh the same as french new wave cinema in the ways that the directors gave their own personal stamp and ownership to the films
    • International or foreign inclinations
    • Conflictive relationship with the Spanish government, the films were very anti-facist
    • Hauntology, contained many popular ideas and motifs that 'haunted' spanish culture, myths, events from the past
    • The cinema made use of non conventional non-diegetic sound, Shock cuts and violent scenes, realist strategies
    • The films aimed to be politically engaging and deeply troubling for the audience viewing the film

Thursday, 20 June 2013

French New Wave Research

French New Wave
- An artistic movement
- Birth of the 'auteur theory'
- It was seen as a cultural revolution
- Many of its characteristics were present in Andre Bazin's journal of filmmaking 'Cahiers du Cinema'
- Was the first main step towards when artistic expression and personal authorship were born in film
- The filmakers aimed to be unique and distinctive rather than aiming for mainstream success
- French new wave cinema rarely followed a pre-determined shooting script
- The directors opted for direct sound and natural lighting rather than foley and false lighting
- Famous actors had no power over the directors
- Low budget films were created
- Erased the boundaries between professional and amateur cinema
- Was seen from a foreign perspective as a very young singularly French idea
- Le Boucher, is a key example of a French New Wave text

- Cinematography Techniques
  Alternative framing, natural lighting, mistakes often left in
- Editing Techniques 
  Flash pans, long takes, discontinuity of shots, rapid reframing
- Sound Techniques
  Direct sound, modern soundtracks, random comments